Dall' 8 al 13 Novembre si terrà ad Eilat (nota località balneare israeliana sul Mar Rosso) l' Epson Red Sea 2010 Competition, concorso fotografico rivolto a professionisti e non.
Le categorie previste sono 5:
1. Main Category: 5 Best Pictures (digital)
2. 3 Best Shark Images (print)
3. Best Single Color Image (print)
4. Best Underwater Ship and Plane Wreck Image – Black & White (print)
5. Best Underwater Environmental Conservation Image (digital)
info su categorie e premi
Schedule of Events during the Epson Red Sea 2010 Competition
Monday, November 8, 2010
9:00-19:00 Registration at the Manta Diving Center at the Coral Beach, Eilat
20:30- Official opening ceremony at the conference room of Isrotel Yam Suf. This ceremony includes briefings by the judges’ representative, by the production team, and by a representative of the local Environmental Conservation Authorities.
00:01 Competition officially begins. Start taking photographs!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Continued Registration at the Manta Diving Center
First day of Competition – heading to all of the dive sites
18:00-19:00 - HAPPY HOUR
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Second day of the Competition
18:00-19:00 - HAPPY HOUR
19:30-20:30 - Open cocktail at the Underwater Observatory in Eilat.
21:00 - A face to face meeting with the judges. Learn how they make decisions and get tips on how to choose a good photograph.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Third and final day of competition
Photographers make final decisions and submit entries to the judges at the Manta Diving Center
18:00-19:00 HAPPY HOUR
Friday, November 12, 2010
Entries must be submitted until 10:30am.
11:00 – Official opening of the underwater art exhibition at Coral Beach,
featuring the work of artist Shlomo Cohen
18:00-21:00 - Cyprus Party, sponsored by the Cyprus Ministry of Tourism Office
21:00 - Isrotel Yam Suf introducing Marseille Festival Movies
Saturday, November 13, 2010
10:00 – Group photograph taken at the Satil wreck dive site
11:30 - 14:30 Introduction of all submitted photographs at Isrotel Yam Suf
20:30 – The official awards ceremony
22:30 – Celebration party at Aqua Sport, Coral Beach
Additional Information:
Telephone: 09-7457055
Fax: 09-7411628
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